Sunday, January 29, 2012

Facebook free (circa 2010)

   "We are now living in the new reality. It's one in which it all has to start with people. People are products, products are money, and money is power".

Is Facebook run by sociopaths? | Technically Incorrect - CNET News
   "Once you have the power, you can even try to tell governments what to do and what to think. And that's so much fun".

What is my larger issue in all this? Come on, it shouldn't be an exhausting exercise to log into a website and see 5500 notifications about everything and everyone - exponentially exhausting users to the 'like'. It is liberating to set free from the chains that bind, the push to pull. My room is for sleeping, not creeping, naa'aa'meen?

"Even if you aren’t a Facebook user (I am not anymore), its impact is inescapable. The world’s largest social network has, for better or worse, made TMI a laughably quaint notion, redefined friendship, and become, if not a verb (like Google), perhaps the most recognizable proper noun of the digital age." Face(book)ing the Music

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